
Work Experience with PDW Group

Written by pdw2017 | Jul 2, 2019 11:29:07 AM

At PDW Group, we love helping young people get a foot into the world of work; the skills and principles we teach are as relevant to them as it is to the delegates who come through our door each day.

Last month we hosted Jemma Mousley (the daughter of our own Performance & Development Director Jo) for a week of work experience. We invited her to write about her time with us.

Jemma working hard at PDW!

My name is Jemma Mousley and I have just completed my first week of the ‘real world’ work!

I have had a great week here at PDW Group and as part of my experience I have been ask to write a blog for the website - I never thought I would be doing that at 15!

My first day was a little daunting walking into an office of 16 people, some of whom I had met before, but many I hadn't. I needn't have worried, as I was greeted by Molly with a cup of tea and a detailed plan of what I would be doing this week, plus my own PDW note book and pen, I felt like one of the team immediately. Molly is an apprentice and has been at PDW for two years. Having someone close to my age who understood my fears, made the experience a whole let better. That didn't mean I was given an easy ride. Some of my duties included, shredding, clearing cups and lunch plates form the training venue, washing up and hovering, much of which I don't even do at home.

PDW Group are a family business who sell services in management consulting, training & software products and in my week, I got to experience all areas of the business. I spent time in the training room, observing accountants and lawyers learning to work as teams and to get the best out of each other by understanding their own behavioural preferences. I did the questionnaire myself, which helped me to understand why I prefer to work in a particular way and why I get on with some people better than others. I also spent time with finance, IT, marketing, admin and attended and full team meeting, which gave me a really good understanding of how a business runs.

I was set a number of tasks to complete within the week, some on the computer, which tested my ICT skills and also some more creative like designing and completing a new notice board.

All in all, I had a great first taster of work is like and I wanted to thank everyone at PDW Group for all their help and being so friendly, i would love to come back again!