Do Senior Executives Require Leadership Training?
Good quality leadership can have a huge impact at every level of an organisation. Whether someone heads a team of two, or manages an office full of co-workers, the tone they set will affect everyone they lead.
All too often, managers, business owners and others in positions of authority don’t undergo any leadership training at all. This is especially true when it comes to SMEs. Completing leadership development training can help even the most experienced leaders. Keep reading to learn more.
Learning To Lead
Often, people end up in positions of leadership within an organisation because they’re good at key aspects of their day job, not necessarily because they’re natural-born leaders. Once someone is in a position of leadership, they often get promoted, eventually becoming a senior person within their business.
If leaders don’t undergo senior management training or professional development during their career, they’re likely to carry bad habits with them as they progress through the organisation, often without realising the impact that these habits and behaviours have on others.
Lifelong Learning
A quality often shared by good leaders is the ability to understand that there’s always something new to learn. Leadership training isn’t something you can just do once and then forget about. It’s a lifelong learning process and needs to be practiced, refreshed and refined in order to be truly effective. Even if you consider yourself to be an excellent leader, it’s important to keep ‘match fit’ if you want to stay at the top of your game.
Measuring Leadership
Leadership is both a ‘thinking’ and ‘behavioural’ activity. This means that, while your ability to carry out analysis, strategic thinking and business planning is of course important, you’ll need to learn to behave like a leader too.
Because leadership is largely a behavioural activity, it can be difficult to measure and assess. One way to gauge success is to look to the people being led. After all, as we like to say, “leadership effectiveness is measured in the hearts of those that follow”.
Make Leadership A Way Of Life
The best way to improve your leadership skills, and ensure you’re really doing the best you can, is to make leadership a way of life. This means placing an emphasis on the importance of leadership training and development within your organisation and taking part in a senior leadership development program yourself on a regular basis.
Make sure that the leadership courses you and your team take are inspiring and genuinely designed to help lift your skills to the next level.
A lot of companies operate in a constantly changing business environment. This means that leaders need agility and the ability to adapt in order to get the most out of their teams. By investing time and energy into leading, rather than simply bolting a bit of leadership onto your day job, you can get even more out of your employees and excel in your leadership role. Get in touch with a member of our team to learn more and begin today!
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