Why So Much Training Doesn't Work!
If you are serious about improving the behavioural competence of your people, then there's something you should know..
That most training doesn't work!
So lets look at any of the key roles & requirements in a typical business that are essentially behavioural in nature. These include leadership & people management, working in a team, selling & new business development, customer management & service, negotiation, and so on.
All of these roles require confidence, competence and the right habits in order to be great at them.
It's our experience (along with many of our clients') that no amount of traditional training courses will deliver any significant behavioural improvements to people doing any of these roles.
But why is that?
Well its really down to three reasons...
- Before training happens, there’s often no robust link with delegates’ performance, or much consultation around what they need; so delegates don’t acknowledge their gaps or the benefit of the training, so their ‘buy in’ is low
- The training event itself is often uninspiring, with lots of theory, PowerPoint & tell, and maybe even some 'old fashioned' role play!
- Then after the event, in many cases, there’s simply nothing, no application of what's been learned, no measurement of change, and no consequence, so it’s no surprise that peoples' behaviours don’t really change
And what’s the impact of all this? Lots of wasted time, even more wasted money, and a bunch of people who may be disengaged and don’t achieve anywhere near their potential. And of course then they may leave the business altogether.
So how can you fix it?
Well at PDW Group we offer a truly unique solution. It is about as far away from traditional training as its possible to get. So you won't find one trainer at the front of the room, 15 or more delegates sitting in a U shape, lots of PowerPoint slides, a big book of notes, lots of tell, talking, etc.
What you will find is a refreshing and highly effective solution that our clients massively advocate.
Our solution is scenario based, not content based. Delegates are immersed in situations that are real life to them, that they have prepared, and that they acknowledge will benefit them to work on. This means delegates 'own' it, rather than feel 'done to'.
Our solution is heavily practise based, all in a safe environment.. No one gets to be great at anything in life without practise, yet in business we never practise right? If you're in theatre, music or sport, you would spend a huge amount of time practising and rehearsing for the main event, yet in business people generally just don't practise.
Our solution provides loads of 1:1 time with our consultants who are highly skilled at simulating, coaching, and giving really helpful feedback. And then there's the way we use film technology, discreet and responsibly done, many thousands of our delegates have described this aspect and the whole experience as 'life changing', and full of 'light-bulb moments'.
So put simply, our solution will revolutionise the way you look at behavioural training, and it can transform your people, their behaviour and their performance.
So want to know more?
Well you can click here to watch a video and read more on each component. You can look at our main training and coaching pages and you'll find loads of quotes all over our site from delegates and decision makers who have been so positively affected by what we do, and how we do it.
Or you can get in touch for an informal chat about how we could impact your business in the way we have done with so many others. Just hit the button below.